Diabetic foot with acute infection: treatment in the Portuguese Emergency Department

  • José Neves Serviço de Cirurgia 2.6, Hospital de Santo António dos Capuchos – Centro Hospitalar de Lisboa Central, Lisboa, Portugal
  • R. Matias Serviço de Cirurgia 2.6, Hospital de Santo António dos Capuchos – Centro Hospitalar de Lisboa Central, Lisboa, Portugal
  • A. Formiga Serviço de Cirurgia 2.6, Hospital de Santo António dos Capuchos – Centro Hospitalar de Lisboa Central, Lisboa, Portugal
  • J. Cabete Serviço de Dermatologia, Hospital de Santo António dos Capuchos – Centro Hospitalar de Lisboa Central, Lisboa, Portugal
  • L. Moniz Serviço de Cirurgia 2.6, Hospital de Santo António dos Capuchos – Centro Hospitalar de Lisboa Central, Lisboa, Portugal
  • J. Figueiredo Serviço de Cirurgia 2.6, Hospital de Santo António dos Capuchos – Centro Hospitalar de Lisboa Central, Lisboa, Portugal
  • C. Sampaio Serviço de Cirurgia 2.6, Hospital de Santo António dos Capuchos – Centro Hospitalar de Lisboa Central, Lisboa, Portugal


Diabetic foot is a common major complication of Diabetes mellitus. The general surgeon is responsible for its diagnosis and treatment. Acute infection is a medical and surgical emergency. This article aims to guide the surgeon in the diagnosis and treatment of infected diabetic foot in the emergency department. Broad-spectrum antibiotics, surgical drainage/debridement in the emergency department, inpatient, lying of the member and appropriate dressings are essential for the proper treatment of the diabetic foot with moderate-severe infection. The debridement should preserve the structure and function of the foot. Early intervention is essential in order to reduce the number of major amputations and mortality and social cost associated.

Keywords: diabetic foot, diabetic foot ulcer, acute infection ulcer, isquemic foot, neuropathic foot. 


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How to Cite
NEVES, José et al. Diabetic foot with acute infection: treatment in the Portuguese Emergency Department. Revista Portuguesa de Cirurgia, [S.l.], n. 27, p. 19-36, jan. 2014. ISSN 2183-1165. Available at: <https://revista.spcir.com/index.php/spcir/article/view/339>. Date accessed: 27 july 2024.
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