Siewert classification, esophagectomy, esophagogastric junction, thoracic lymphadenectomy, local recurrenceAbstract
Aim: This study sought to determine the recurrence pattern of adenocarcinoma of the esophagogastric junction (AEG) after radical resection.
Patients and Methods: We retrospectively analyzed the clinical database that was propectively updated of 108 consecutive patients with Siewert type I, I/II, and II AEGs who underwent curative resection (R0) at the Institute of Portuguese Oncology in Lisbon.
Results: Recurrence occurred in 20 patients, most of them in type I / II tumors. The median time to recurrence detection was 12 months. We found locoregional recurrences in only 4 patients.
Conclusion: The surgical approach and respective lymphadenectomy used for type I, I / II and II tumours seems appropriate, since the reported local recurrence rate is low (3,7%.).
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