Caustic ingestion, Pyloric stenosis, Gastric outlet obstruction, GastrectomyAbstract
Introduction: Ingestion of caustic products present a challenge to many physicians, as it remains a rare occurrence in the emergency room.
Presentation of Case: A 58-year-old male was brought to the emergency department after ingesting hydrochloric acid. A pre-pyloric stenosis developed and endoscopic dilation was attempted with no success. The patient underwent an open subtotal gastrectomy after 4 weeks, with no complications and significant clinical improvement.
Discussion: Gastric outlet obstruction mainly occurs in the prepyloric area. A surgical approach is reported as a safe alternative after the acute inflammatory phase subsided, and can be safely executed 4 weeks after the caustic ingestion if needed. The type of resection should be tailored to the extent of the lesions.
Conclusion: Surgical resection poses a safe alternative, after the acute inflammatory phase has subsided and allows for adequate symptomatic control. Liquid agents affect mostly areas where pooling occurs, being the gastric antrum a frequent area where caustic lesions take place.
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