Pelvic Fracture – Generic notions for the general surgeon

  • Jorge Pereira Cirurgião Geral, Serviço de Cirurgia 1 – Centro Hospitalar Tondela-Viseu, Portugal


The pelvic fracture consists on a clinical entity that can represent grave danger, mainly when associated to major mechanic instability, which reflects the amount of energy transferred during trauma. The high mortality of pelvic fracture is a reason for concern to the medical staff involved in its management, because its multiple needs, in terms of assessment and treatment. The general surgeon is often responsible for patients with this kind of trauma, be it for the associated injuries, or in the management of the severe trauma patient in shock. So, he needs a set of knowledge about this issue that helps him in decision making. In this paper, we review the management needs for this severe patients, focusing on the main causes of mortality:

1. Hemorrage: a management algorithm is proposed, based on the actual resources of our country and hospitals;

2. Sepsis: stating the importance of the early management in preventing complica-
tions, and the need of a multidisciplinar approach.

Keywords: Multiple trauma, Pelvis, Pelvic fractures, Management of mechanically unstable pelvic fractures, Hemorrhagic shock, Sepsis


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How to Cite
PEREIRA, Jorge. Pelvic Fracture – Generic notions for the general surgeon. Revista Portuguesa de Cirurgia, [S.l.], n. 26, p. 21-30, jan. 2014. ISSN 2183-1165. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 27 july 2024.
Review Article