Oral Pathology, Oral Surgical Procedures, HyperplasiaAbstract
Introduction: Inflammatory Fibrous Hyperplasia (IFH) is a pathology characterized by a reactive lesion, in response to a chronic irritant of the oral mucosa. IFH presents itself as a high, slow-growing, asymptomatic lesion. It can vary from flaccid or firm to palpation, with a sessile or pediculate base. The purpose of this article is to report a case of inflammatory fibrous hyperplasia and a discussion based on a literature review.Case Report: Male, 53 years old, ex-alcoholic and smoker, bedridden after a stroke, without a definite cause for five years, resided in a Hospital and Maternity in the region. A nodular vegetating lesion was found throughout the palatal rim, with fibrous consistency on palpation, non-bleeding and non-painful. 7 by 8 cm. Treated with excisional surgical procedure and biopsy of pathologic tissue.
Discussion: The clinical case described here presents inflammatory fibrous hyperplasia similar to those described in the literature, diagnosed as an exophytic process, well defined, mucosa-like in color, pedicled, asymptomatic, slow growing and without bone involvement. There is a consensus in the literature that the etiopathogenesis of inflammatory fibrous hyperplasia has a close relationship with low-grade chronic trauma intensity.
Conclusion: The hyperplasia inflammatory lesions are common and have, in the majority of cases, little dimensions without symptomatology and associated with persistent local trauma, the treatment consists in excisional surgical procedure and a good prognostic is expected.
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