• Andrea ILLAN Medical Oncology Department. Hospital Virgen del Puerto. Plasencia, Cáceres. Spain http://orcid.org/0000-0002-1833-7109
  • Guadalupe PADILLA Medical Oncology Department. Hospital Virgen del Puerto. Plasencia, Cáceres. Spain
  • David LÓPEZ Medical Oncology Department. Hospital Virgen del Puerto. Plasencia, Cáceres. Spain
  • Rubén LENO Medical Oncology Department. Hospital Virgen del Puerto. Plasencia, Cáceres. Spain
  • Montserrat DÍAZ Medical Oncology Department. Hospital Virgen del Puerto. Plasencia, Cáceres. Spain


Introduction: Malignant tumor of the small intestine are extremely rare, with an incidence of less than one in 100,000 patients. The most frequence histology underlying is adenocarcinoma, followed by squamous carcinoma.

Methods: We have carried out a review of the scientific literature about the main epidemiological, histological and diagnostic aspects of squamous cell carcinoma of the small intestine.

Results: We present the clinical case of a 69-year-old man diagnosed with localized small cell carcinoma of the lung, with good response after concomitant chemoradiotherapy (QTRT). During the follow-up period, the patient presented with an acute abdomen due to intestinal perforation. Anatomopathological analysis (A-P) of the small intestine resection piece revealed squamous cell carcinoma with sarcomatoid features and stage pT4pNx.

Conclusions: The interest of this case lies in the metachronous diagnosis of two primary tumors of different origin (small cell carcinoma of the lung and squamous cell carcinoma of the small intestine), being an unprecedented finding in the current scientific literature.


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How to Cite
ILLAN, Andrea et al. SQUAMOUS CARCINOMA OF THE SMALL BOWEL IN A PATIENT WITH A TUMORAL BACKGROUND: METASTASIS?. Revista Portuguesa de Cirurgia, [S.l.], n. 55, p. 21-25, june 2023. ISSN 2183-1165. Available at: <https://revista.spcir.com/index.php/spcir/article/view/790>. Date accessed: 12 sep. 2024. doi: https://doi.org/10.34635/rpc.790.
Clinical Case