Heroin-induced skin necrosis and necrotizing fasciitis


  • Ana Filipe Monteiro Serviço de Dermatologia e Venereologia Hospital de Santarém, EPE http://orcid.org/0000-0001-9340-8627
  • Ricardo Machado USF Vale do Sorraia, Coruche, ACES Lezíria, Santarém, Portugal
  • Ermelindo Tavares Serviço de Dermatologia e Venereologia, Hospital de Santarém EPE
  • José Gameiro Serviço de Cirurgia Geral, Hospital de Santarém EPE


Necrotizing fasciitis is rapidly progressive soft tissues infection with a high mortality rate. The definitive diagnosis is made intraoperatively, after surgical exploration, by the presence of necrosis of the fascia. Left lower limb necrotizing fasciitis in a drug user after heroin injection is described. In this case report the pathogenic agent and the location of the infection are unusual. Early surgical treatment is important to avoid major complications.


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Author Biographies

Ana Filipe Monteiro, Serviço de Dermatologia e Venereologia Hospital de Santarém, EPE

Interna do Internato Complementar de Dermatologia e Venereologia

Serviço de Dermatologia Venereologia

Hospital de Santarém EPE

Santarém, Portugal

Ricardo Machado, USF Vale do Sorraia, Coruche, ACES Lezíria, Santarém, Portugal

Interno do Internato Complementar de Medicina Geral e Familiar

USF Vale do Sorraia, Coruche

ACES Lezíria

Santarém, Portugal

Ermelindo Tavares, Serviço de Dermatologia e Venereologia, Hospital de Santarém EPE

Assistente Hospitalar de Dermatologia e Venereologia

Serviço de Dermatologia Venereologia

Hospital de Santarém EPE

Santarém, Portugal

José Gameiro, Serviço de Cirurgia Geral, Hospital de Santarém EPE

Assistente Hospitalar Graduado de Cirurgia Geral

Serviço de Cirurgia Geral

Hospital de Santarém EPE

Santarém, Portugal


Green R, Dafoe D, Raffin T. Necrotizing fasciitis. Chest 1996;110:219–29.

Miller LG, Perdreau-Remington F, Rieg G, et al. Necrotizing fasciitis caused by community-associated methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus in Los Angeles. N Engl J Med. 2005; 352:1445–53.

Chen JL, Fullerton KE, Flynn NM. Necrotizing fasciitis associated with injection drug use. Clin Infect Dis. 2001; 33:6–15.





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