Thyroid Gland Rupture Associated with Blunt Cervical Trauma - a Case Report
Although soft tissues injury in cervical trauma is relatively common, the injury of the thyroid is extremely rare, as we can see in English-language reports. The papers relate that trauma of the thyroid gland is quite rare in patients without preexisting goiter. This paper relates a blunt cervical trauma in a young woman without goiter disease that results in lesion of the thyroid diagnosed by computed tomography scan (CT) and that has been conduced conservatively, with a favorable course without further complications.
Heizmann O, Schmid R, Oertli D. Blunt Injury to the Thyroid Gland: Proposed Classification and Treatment Algorithm. J Trauma. 2006; 61:1012-15.
Saylam B, Çomçali B, Coskun F. Thyroid Gland Hematoma After Blunt Neck Trauma. West J Emerg Med. 2009; 10(4): 247-249.
Fontán FJP, Hernández MS, Vázquez SP, Novoa ML. Thyroid Gland Rupture After Blunt Neck Trauma. J Ultrasound Med. 2001; 20: 1249-1251.
S. Arana-Garza et al. Thyroid Gland Rupture After Blunt Neck Trauma: A Case Report and Review of the Literature. International Journal of Surgery Case Reports 12 (2015) 44-47.
American College of Surgeons, 9th ed. Advanced Trauma Life Support Student Course Manual, 2012.
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