Uma nova técnica de reservatório para as anastomoses rectais baixas
o create a colonic reservoir for low colo-rectal anastomosis two techniques have been introduced, the Colonic J pouch and the Coloplasty. These techniques either show technical difficulties or a significant number of dehiscences. Therefore a novel reservoir technique whitout such problems would be an important improvement. The experimental study here reported compares the techniques of anastomosis whitout reservoir, with Coloplasty, with J pouch and with the novel technique of Miotomy. To determine the efficacy of these procedures the functions Volume / Diameter, Volume / intra-luminal Pressure, Compliance and maximum bursting volume were studied. The function injected Volume / mean Diameter showed that the J pouch had always larger diameters than the other techniques. No statistical difference was found for the function injected Volume / mean intra-luminal Pressure between the Miotomy technique and the other procedures. The Miotomy and J pouch groups showed a similar Compliance that was greater than what was observed in the Control and Coloplasty groups. The Miotomy technique is a potentially superior alternative for the construction of a colonic reservoir and should thus be evaluated in a human study.
Keywords: colonic reservoir; protectomy; colo-rectal anastomosis
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