Sternal metastasis: first manifestation of an adenocarcinoma of the kidney
Chest wall tumors (primary or metastatic), are an uncommon pathology, responsible for less than 1% of all neoplasias. Only 15% are localized in the sternum, becoming unusual when one metastasis in that localization constitutes the first manifestation of a primary tumor. We present a clinical report of a 55-year old man, that came to our Consultation for the sudden onset (after a physical effort), of a sternal mass. The investigation of the mass led to the diagnosis of the primary tumor, localized in the kidney. Up to 30% of patients with renal cell carcinoma present with metastasis at the time of diagnosis, located mainly in the lung, lymph nodes and bone (specially in the spine, iliac bones or femur, being sternal metastasis very uncomon).
Key words: bone metastasis, sternal metastasis, renal cell cancer.
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