Solitary Fibrous Tumour Of The Mesentery
Introduction: A solitary fibrous tumour is a rare neoplasm which is characterized by the proliferation of fusiform cells with mesenchymal origin.
Case report: We report a case of a fibrous tumour of the mesentery in a 61-year-old male who was sent to a General Surgery appointment due to left lower abdominal pain and palpation of a mass. Computed tomography demonstrated a well-defined solid mass of 6×5,5 cm located in the left iliac fossae, which was completely resected during surgery. We diagnosed this case as a solitary fibrous tumour of the mesentery, which is unusual.
Discussion: Since surgery, there has been no evidence of recurrence. A follow-up at 12 months after surgery found no indications of recurrence.
2. Bouhabel, S., Leblanc, G., Ferreira, J. et al. Solitary fibrous tumor arising in the mesentery: a case report. World J Surg Onc 9, 140 (2011)
3. Guo-Jing Zhang, Ruo-Tong Li, Yang Zhou, Fei Huang, Zhi-Cheng Zhao, Wei-Dong Li, Wei-Hua Fu, Solitary fibrous tumor of small bowel mesentery with postoperative bowel obstruction: a case report and review of literature, Int J Clin Exp Pathol. 2015; 8(9): 11691–11697
4. Jing-Ni Liu, Zhao Liu, Peng-Yu Ji, Hong Zhang, and Shun-Lin Guo, Solitary fibrous tumor of the mesentery: a case report and review of the literature, J Int Med Res. 2020 Oct; 48(10)
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