Full-Thickness Skin Grafting Of Oral Defects: Enhancing Graft Stability With Intramural Quilting Sutures
full-thickness skin graft, oral mucosal reconstruction, intramural quilting sutureAbstract
Introduction: Full-thickness skin grafts (FTSGs) are vital in reconstructive surgery, especially for challenging oral cavity defects. Secure fixation is essential to prevent displacement and ensure integration with the recipient site. Traditional methods often fail in the oral environment due to moisture, movement, and bacteria. This study introduces a novel modification using intramural quilting sutures to enhance FTSG stability in oral mucosal reconstruction.Technique: After preparing the graft by trimming underlying structures, simple interrupted sutures secure it. The key innovation is transmural quilting sutures that anchor the graft from inside the oral cavity, creating an inside-outside loop configuration. A gauze interface prevents pressure necrosis.
Conclusion: Intramural quilting sutures improve the stability and success of FTSGs in oral mucosal defects, leading to better outcomes and faster recovery.
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Surgery, 28(2), 100–102. https://doi.org/10.1016/s0007-1226(75)90166-6
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